Working together to create greater impact.
A path designed by Curated Pathways ™ to Innovation will benefit non-profits, corporations, educational institutions and government by providing greater exposure, a network effort and measurable results.
Most importantly, students of all abilities and backgrounds will receive the integrated and collaborative support that they need to fully engage in STEM. A simplified and fully inclusive pathway for underrepresented minorities and women will strengthen the United States position in computing and bridge the Broadening Participation gap.
Be A part of the impact
Are you interested in partnering with a game-changing initiative?
Research shows that diversity of thought improves innovation.
- Join the Curated Pathways to Innovation™ project as a Founding Contributor
- Founding Contributors can drive the direction of the effort through board membership, PR, early access to internships, and opportunities to engage staff in the program
- Together we will launch a game changing approach to broadening the participation in STEM-C by leveraging technology and harnessing the power of collective impact
- Participate with pro-bono service contribution, volunteerism, lower level financial commitments
- Contact CPI : pgonsalves@ywca-sv.org
Join the CPI Ecosystem
- Research collaboration
- Pathway options
- Connection into and out of the community college steps
- Mentors
- Support field trips
- Employee volunteerism in and outside the classroom
- Connection into and out of the community college steps
- Pro bono support